Dragonriders of Pern Name Generator | What's your Pern name?

Dragonriders of Pern Name Generator

Generate a Dragonriders of Pern name by entering a name or generate a random dragonrider or dragon name.


How it works

Type in a name and click generate. If you want a random name, just leave the input field blank.

Dragonriders of Pern name generator

Are you creating a dragonrider or dragon character for your Pern adventures? Finding names that align with Pern’s unique lore and traditions can be tricky. Worry no more! Our Dragonriders of Pern Name Generator is here to assist you!

Our name generator will give you endless choices of names that perfectly match your winged companions, deeply rooted in Pern’s rich culture and history. Keep reading to learn more about dragonriders, dragons, their names, characteristics, and see our generated list of male, female, gender-neutral, and dragon names.

To get a Pern name, click on the "Generate" button. You can insert your name to obtain a personalized dragonrider or dragon name. So, what’s your Pern name?

Pern naming conventions: what’s in a name?

In the Dragonriders of Pern series, names have a special place. They reflect the time-honored traditions, the bond between dragon and rider, and their roles in the Weyr or Hold.

Dragonrider names are short, powerful, typically omitting letters before an apostrophe (F’lar from Falar, T’rex from Tarex). Females maintain intact names, although some choose the male convention upon joining the dragonriders. Non-traditional or gender-neutral names follow creative variations of these conventions.

Dragons follow a unique naming pattern- ending with "-th", a clutch-mark of dragon identity in Pern. The names are melodic, otherworldly, often featuring soft consonants and flowing vowels.

Bonding of names reflects the symbiotic relationship between riders and their dragons, a cornerstone of Pern lore.

What’s your Pern name?

Ready to find your rider or dragon name? With our Dragonriders of Pern Name Generator, you can explore boundless possibilities. You’re just a click away from your Pern identity- click on the "Generate" button, or enter your name, and prepare for Pern magic!

So, what’s your Pern name?

Dragonriders of Pern name ideas

Eager to experience a taste of Pern names? We’ve selected some of the finest names our Dragonriders of Pern Name Generator created. They capture the essence of Pern, reminiscent of the dynamic bond between dragon and rider, and honor of being a part of Pern’s grand tapestry!

Male Dragonrider Names

Male riders of Pern wield shortened, impactful names. They are leaders, protectors, and the brave-hearted riders of the majestic fire-breathing beasts.

Tap into Pern’s powerful masculinity with these male dragonrider names:

  • Z’rin
  • N’lev
  • C’or
  • K’yn
  • T’bran
  • R’nox
  • P’dan
  • M’zel
  • K’ent
  • B’ryn
  • V’ran
  • A’lik
  • T’von
  • D’jen
  • R’baz

Female Dragonrider Names

Female Pern riders bear names embodying strength, bravery, and nobility. They are the unyielding protectors of Pern, bound to their dragons by heart and spirit.

Embrace the spirit of Pern’s mighty women with these female dragonrider names:

  • A’la
  • B’eth
  • T’ana
  • Z’yra
  • C’ena
  • G’irla
  • D’ely
  • E’rin
  • F’aya
  • K’ana
  • M’aeve
  • N’aela
  • O’ra
  • P’ia
  • R’aya

Gender-neutral Dragonrider Names

Bending the traditions, gender-neutral dragonriders of Pern usher in a new wave of naming. Their names signify creativity, courage, and a bold step outside conventions.

Experience inclusive Pern naming with these gender-neutral dragonrider names:

  • J’ael
  • S’ien
  • Q’bin
  • V’era
  • D’igo
  • Y’lim
  • N’eau
  • L’ythe
  • X’in
  • Z’uhl
  • A’mbi
  • G’lein
  • K’oru
  • M’onet
  • C’ire

Now, as you step into the world of Pern armed with your distinctive name, remember- you are not just a rider, but part of a timeless bond with your dragon, forever etched in the annals of Pern’s history!

💡 Do you have an idea for a name generator? Make a suggestion!

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